Top Schools of Law in New Hampshire

By | January 6, 2023

We have created a 2019 ranking of the best colleges in New Hampshire that offer Law degrees to help you find a school that fits your needs. Each school’s ranking is based on the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review. In addition, you can view our entire list of all law schools located within New Hampshire. We also provide reviews, facts, and questions and answers for schools on our site and offer you access to get valuable information from colleges and universities today.

Franklin Pierce Law Center Concord, New Hampshire
Score N/A
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 2.0
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 2.5
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.06-3.62
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 149-155
Overall acceptance rate 50.2%
Student/faculty ratio 14.2
Graduates employed at graduation N/A
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 94.1%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 93.3%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar NH
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 87.9%

Franklin Pierce Law Center

About New Hampshire

The American state of New Hampshire is located in New England and is known for the large wilderness areas and for its idyllic villages and towns. In the north is the White Mountain National Forest, which is visited by many winter sports fans in winter. The highest mountain is Mount Washington with a height of 1,917 meters. The capital is Concord.

The continental climate gives the state cold winters and pleasant cool summers. The average temperature is around 21 Gran Celsius, minus temperatures can be expected in January. Heavy hail and snow storms often occur here. By the way, the state motto is: “live free or die”, a motto after which people still live there today.

New Hampshire: facts

  • Area: 24,216 sq km
  • Population: 1,316,470
  • Abbreviation: NH
  • Capital: Concord
  • Local time: GMT -4
  • Nickname: The Granite State

New Hampshire: geography

New Hampshire’s neighbors are Quebec, Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine and the Atlantic. At 30 kilometers, the coast is the shortest coastal region in the USA. The most important inland water is Lake Winnipesaukee with an area of ​​around 186 square kilometers. The main river is the Merrimack River. The capital of New Hampshire is also located here.

The White Mountains are in the north of the state and are part of the Appalachian Mountains. The rounded peaks and valleys are characteristic of this mountain range. Until 2003, New Hampshire’s attraction was the old man of the mountain. It is a rock formation in which one could see the face of an old man and has been the symbol of the state since 1945. Unfortunately, this rock formation was destroyed by a natural rock fall in 2003.

The history of New Hampshire

Most New Hampshire residents come from European countries such as Ireland, England, France, Germany, Scotland and Italy. Most people came to the country because of freedom, because they did not exist in their home countries. That hasn’t changed to this day because people still come to New Hampshire because of freedom. Although the state is one of the ten smallest states in the USA, the motto freedom is very important. He was also the first state to declare independence from England in 1776.

To date, the state reserves its political freedom to choose freely at all times. That is why he is one of the swing states in the elections. New Hampshire is also known for the fact that many inventors and free thinkers live and lived here. Among other things, the country’s first library was founded here. It was here that women went on strike for the first time and the first cog railway ran here for the first time worldwide. Successful authors such as Dan Brown and John Irving also come from New Hampshire. The first settlers came in 1623. Before that, the Indians lived here.

Industrialization began in the 19th century. This attracted people from Ireland and Canada. In the 1960s, the textile industry was idle. But one built on other branches of the economy. Technology centers and winter tourism are important economic components today