Top Schools of Law in South Dakota

By | January 6, 2023

We have created a 2019 ranking of the best colleges in South Dakota that offer Law degrees to help you find a school that fits your needs. Each school’s ranking is based on the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review. In addition, you can view our entire list of all law schools located within South Dakota. We also provide reviews, facts, and questions and answers for schools on our site and offer you access to get valuable information from colleges and universities today.

University of South Dakota School of Law Vermillion, South Dakota
Score N/A
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 1.9
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 2.5
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.13-3.65
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 149-155
Overall acceptance rate 56.8%
Student/faculty ratio 12.3
Graduates employed at graduation 54.1%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 94.3%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 94.9%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar SD
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 95.2%

University of South Dakota School of Law

About South Dakota

South Dakota is no less impressive than its counterpart North Dakota. It is not surprising that tourism is the largest industry in this state. Because of the rural character, agriculture is another important source of income.

Numerous national parks, state parks and panoramic roads offer good opportunities to get to know the country and its people. Time seems to stand still in many places, because the wild west and the culture of the Native Americans are clearly recognizable in many places.

South Dakota: facts

  • Area: 199,731 sq km
  • Population: 814,180
  • Abbreviation: SD
  • Capital: Pierre
  • Local time: UTC -6
  • Nickname: The Mount Rushmore State

South Dakota – a journey through time to the wild west

South Dakota borders North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana. The Black Hills are to the west and the Badlands to the east. To the east is the Coteau de Prairies, a plateau in the middle of the flat prairie. Sioux Fall, with a population of 153,000, is the largest city in the state.

Like North Dakota, its southern counterpart is only sparsely populated. All other cities are small by American standards, because no more than 10,000 to 25,000 residents live here. The only other major city is Rapid City with 68,000 residents. There are no metropolitan regions with a modern economy in South Dakota. In terms of economic strength, however, South Dakota is clearly poorer than North Dakota, although both countries are agricultural.

Due to the rural character as well as the culture and customs from the past centuries, rodeo is the most popular sport in this state. The Corn Palace Stampede Rodeo in Mitchell is very popular.

Many smaller towns, but also larger cities, provide knowledge about the history of the Wild West and Indian culture with various museums, facilities and historical sites. The famous Indian chief Crazy Horse is honored with his own mountain sculpture at the Crazy Horse Memorial.

General George Custer doesn’t miss out on honor either. The Custer State Park was named after him and is home to numerous animals typical of this region, such as bison, bighorn sheep, mountain goats and antelopes.

The hospitality of the region is well known and everyone is welcome in large and small places. In Deadwood, visitors experience a living pioneering heritage. Rapid City offers exquisite and extraordinary handicrafts of the indigenous people, of which one or the other piece will surely look good in your own home.

Sioux Falls invites you to spend money in chic boutiques. However, the main attraction is Mount Rushmore, which shows the faces of four presidents carved into the rock formation.