Top Schools of Law in Wyoming

By | January 6, 2023

We have created a 2019 ranking of the best colleges in Wyoming that offer Law degrees to help you find a school that fits your needs. Each school’s ranking is based on the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review. In addition, you can view our entire list of all law schools located within Wyoming. We also provide reviews, facts, and questions and answers for schools on our site and offer you access to get valuable information from colleges and universities today.

University of Wyoming College of Law Laramie, Wyoming
Score N/A
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 2.1
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 2.9
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.25-3.68
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 150-157
Overall acceptance rate 34.0%
Student/faculty ratio 12.3
Graduates employed at graduation 58.6%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 88.9%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 76.3%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar WY
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 67.0%

University of Wyoming College of Law

About Wyoming

The state of Wyoming is located in the western United States. The landscape is characterized by the Rocky Mountains and the wide plains. Yellowstone National Park extends over 3,500 square miles. This park is a large recreation area with numerous animal species. The capital of Wyoming is Cheyenne.

The state not only has very friendly residents, it is also characterized by its wild west flair. Wyoming is a real country of cowboys. If you want to experience this, you should visit one of the dude ranches. Horse riding and camping around the campfire let the wild west romance arise. The Wild West is reviving in Wyoming.

The State of Wyoming: Facts

  • Area: 253,336 sq km
  • Population: 563,626
  • Abbreviation: WY
  • Capital: Cheyenne
  • Local time: GMT -6
  • Nickname: The Equality State

Wyoming: geography and landscape

Wide prairie land and impressive mountains, that’s the rugged nature of Wyoming. The state has the lowest population density of any American state. Maybe that’s why nature has remained largely untouched. Here are two of the famous national parks in the United States : Grand Teton and Yellowstone Park.

The state has approximately 253,000 square kilometers and is the tenth largest state in America. Due to its location in the western United States, it is considered a legendary wild west. This is where the name Cowboy State comes from. The best known largest cities are Laramie and Cheyenne. The famous small town of Cody is around 40 kilometers from Yellowstone Park. There is also a museum in honor of Buffalo Bill Cody, the city’s namesake.

The neighboring states of Wyoming are Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado and Idaho.

Wyoming: climate and weather

The Wyoming climate is characterized by hot summers and cold winters. There is rarely any rainfall here. The climate differs in the mountains because it is cooler and wetter here.

Wyoming History

Wyoming was largely inhabited by Indians until the late 19th century. However, these came under increasing pressure when the settlers came into the country from the east. There were wars between the Indians and the settlers. Some of the Indians were even able to win the U.S. Army. The best known was the Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876. But towards the end of the century the Indians had to surrender. This was partly due to the fact that the settlers shot the bison. Thus the livelihood of the Indians was withdrawn. At the end of the century, all the Indians lived in reservations.

On July 10, 1890, Wyoming became the 44th state in the United States. Although the U.S. Congress wanted to abolish the right to vote that existed until then, Wyoming insisted. Wyoming originally belonged to the French colony of Louisiana until the end of the 17th century. The only exception was the southwest. In 1762 the area was initially transferred to Spain. Returned to France in 1800. With the Louisiana Purchase, the United States purchased the area for $ 15 million. The southwestern part was initially attributed to Utah.