Top Law Schools in United States

By | January 5, 2023

Yale Law School
Best college of law in the United States is Yale Law School. Yale University was ranked as the best program in the nation by U.S. News and World Report for 2009. U.S. News uses a variety of criteria to assess the law programs, including LSAT scores of applicants and selectivity program faculty studies. Yale Law program is a giant among law schools; Ironically, much of this is due to its relatively small size. The students of the faculty ratio at law school is only 6.8-1. At $ 46.000 per year in tuition costs, Yale is certainly not the most affordable option for all students, but those who want the best in a law education is willing to overlook the hefty price tag. Yale Law School students have access to world-class scholars. This is especially important for students to pursue joint JD/PhD-program who need guidance as they pursue research and writing their thesis. Yale also offers more traditional JD tracks without ph. d. ; other joint degree combinations are possible for enterprising students. It is common among Yale students, who are pursuing the joint/MBA-training JD or JD along with degrees from other schools such as the medical school or Yale Divinity School.


Yale Law School
PO Box 208,215
New Haven, CT 06520

Harvard Law School
Surpassed only by Yale in U.S. News and World Report rankings for 2009, Harvard Law School is one of the most recognized and respected law schools in the nation. Harvard University even considered the world’s top University with a range of publications. Some of that perception stems from its multidisciplinary approach to research and teaching. Harvard’s law program is much bigger than Yale in the form of the students but the student to faculty ratio is still comparable at about 8 to 1. Due to its interdisciplinary approach, the Harvard Law School offers several joint degree programs in addition to the traditional JD track, which is also available. Common degrees that students can pursue in addition to JD include Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Health, Master of Public Policy and Master of Urban Planning. Other common education is possible with the approval of the faculty. Harvard also offers law school equivalent to Ph.D., Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD), for those who want to teach in law school.

Harvard Law School
1563 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138

Stanford Law School
Outside of the Ivy League, Stanford offers prospective law students the next best choice for the study of law. U.S. News and World Report ranked Stanford third place among all programs at the country level. Like both Harvard and Yale, Stanford is world renowned for its interdisciplinary approach to education and research. In fact, students at Stanford have a wider range of approved joint degree programs to choose from. In all, 27 different programs that already are part of the Stanford Law School curriculum. Stanford students also benefit from a small student to faculty ratio of about 8.6-1. Like Harvard, Stanford offers JSD degree for students who wish to pursue academic side of legal studies. Many of Stanford professors and students have also worked on a number of prominent later Supreme Court cases.

Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305
650. -723-4985