Top Schools of Law in Oklahoma

By | January 6, 2023

We have created a 2019 ranking of the best colleges in Oklahoma that offer Law degrees to help you find a school that fits your needs. Each school’s ranking is based on the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review. In addition, you can view our entire list of all law schools located within Oklahoma. We also provide reviews, facts, and questions and answers for schools on our site and offer you access to get valuable information from colleges and universities today.

Oklahoma City University School of Law Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Score N/A
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 1.6
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 2.1
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 2.88-3.47
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 148-152
Overall acceptance rate 54.0%
Student/faculty ratio 17.6
Graduates employed at graduation N/A
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 92.1%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 90.3%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar OK
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 92.8%

Oklahoma City University School of Law

University of Oklahoma College of Law Norman, Oklahoma
Score 47
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 2.5
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 3.0
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.29-3.72
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 155-161
Overall acceptance rate 30.8%
Student/faculty ratio 14.2
Graduates employed at graduation 60.6%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 95.6%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 96.3%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar OK
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 92.8%

University of Oklahoma College of Law

University of Tulsa College of Law Tulsa, Oklahoma
Score N/A
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 2.1
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 2.5
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 2.83-3.55
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 152-157
Overall acceptance rate 50.5%
Student/faculty ratio 11.9
Graduates employed at graduation N/A
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 92.3%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 92.6%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar OK
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 92.8%

University of Tulsa College of Law

About Oklahoma

The U.S. state of Oklahoma borders Texas, which has a huge impact on the state. The state is characterized by wide levels. There are hardly any hills here. Oklahoma with its capital Oklahoma City is a state where the weather is pleasant all year round. It is hot in the summer months but quite mild in the winter. For this reason, people can spend time outdoors in any season. The state is made for people who love nature.

Agriculture and cattle farming are an important part of the economy. If you spend your vacation here, you can enjoy life on a farm, for example. Oklahoma is the 46th state to join the Union on November 16, 1907. The population is 3.6 million people. A trip to Oklahoma is a trip to another world. Here, cowboys and Indians are authentic and real and visitors feel transported back in time. The state can be visited all year round.

The State of Oklahoma: Facts

  • Area: 181,035 sq km
  • Population: 3,931,000
  • Abbreviation: OK
  • Capital: Oklahoma City
  • Local time: GMT -5
  • Nickname: The Sooner State

Oklahoma: geography

Kansas is in northern Oklahoma. The state borders New Mexico to the west and Texas to the south. The neighboring states to the east are Arkansas and Missouri. Forests, prairie landscapes and mountain ranges determine the landscape of the state. To the north is the Arkansas River Valley, which has a total length of 2,333 kilometers. The Great Plains are located east of the Rocky Mountains. They consist of a 500 km dry and wide area that extends from Canada to southern Texas.

Oklahoma: climate and weather

Summers in Oklahoma are hot and dry. Temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius are not uncommon. The winter months are short and mild.