Top Schools of Law in Virginia

By | January 6, 2023

We have created a 2019 ranking of the best colleges in Virginia that offer Law degrees to help you find a school that fits your needs. Each school’s ranking is based on the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review. In addition, you can view our entire list of all law schools located within Virginia. We also provide reviews, facts, and questions and answers for schools on our site and offer you access to get valuable information from colleges and universities today.

Appalachian School of Law Grundy, Virginia
Score N/A
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 1.4
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 1.6
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 2.61-3.31
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 147-152
Overall acceptance rate 48.5%
Student/faculty ratio 15.8
Graduates employed at graduation N/A
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 66.2%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 83.3%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar VA
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 81.6%

Appalachian School of Law

College of William and Mary Marshall-Wythe School of Law Williamsburg, Virginia
Score 63
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 3.3
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 3.7
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.42-3.77
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 161-166
Overall acceptance rate 22.3%
Student/faculty ratio 15.7
Graduates employed at graduation 87.9%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 96.7%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 88.9%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar VA
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 81.6%

College of William and Mary Marshall-Wythe School of Law

George Mason University School of Law Arlington, Virginia
Score 59
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 2.8
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 3.3
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.21-3.83
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 158-165
Overall acceptance rate 24.7%
Student/faculty ratio 13.2
Graduates employed at graduation 95.9%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 99.2%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 87.1%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar VA
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 81.6%

George Mason University School of Law

Liberty University School of Law Lynchburg, Virginia
Score N/A
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) N/A
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) N/A
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students N/A
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students N/A
Overall acceptance rate N/A
Student/faculty ratio N/A
Graduates employed at graduation N/A
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation N/A
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers N/A
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar N/A
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers N/A

Liberty University School of Law

Regent University School of Law Virginia Beach, Virginia
Score N/A
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 1.3
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 1.7
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3-3.71
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 150-156
Overall acceptance rate 42.1%
Student/faculty ratio 16.2
Graduates employed at graduation 67.5%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 94.4%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 73.1%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar VA
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 81.6%

Regent University School of Law

University of Richmond T.C. Williams School of Law Richmond, Virginia
Score 44
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 2.4
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 2.8
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.19-3.63
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 159-163
Overall acceptance rate 28.7%
Student/faculty ratio 13.8
Graduates employed at graduation 60.6%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 90.7%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 90.6%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar VA
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 81.6%

University of Richmond T.C. Williams School of Law

University of Virginia School of Law Charlottesville, Virginia
Score 83
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 4.4
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 4.6
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.54-3.92
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 165-171
Overall acceptance rate 14.8%
Student/faculty ratio 12.6
Graduates employed at graduation 96.0%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 99.5%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 97.5%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar NY
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 80.7%

University of Virginia School of Law

Washington and Lee University School of Law Lexington city, Virginia
Score 62
Peer assessment score (5.0 highest) 3.3
Assessment score by lawyers/judges (5.0 highest) 3.8
25th-75th percentile GPA scores for all students 3.28-3.78
25th-75th percentile LSAT scores for all students 160-167
Overall acceptance rate 25.6%
Student/faculty ratio 9.4
Graduates employed at graduation 82.2%
Graduates known to be employed nine months after graduation 89.2%
School’s bar passage rate for first-time test takers 83.7%
State where the greatest number of first-time test takers took the bar VA
Statewide bar passage rate for first-time test takers 81.6%

Washington and Lee University School of Law

About Virginia

Virginia is a state in the USA that is very diverse in terms of landscape. An impressive coastal landscape alternates with the Blue Ridge Mountains. There is something here for water sports enthusiasts as well as for cyclists and hikers. The most famous cities in Virginia are Norfolk, Richmond and Virginia Beach. A trip to Shenandoah National Park is particularly recommended.

The state can also look back on an eventful history. For example, the stories about the Indian princess Pocahontas, which was even filmed by Disney, are well known. The American Civil War has also left its mark here.

The state of Virginia: facts

  • Area: 102,545 sq km
  • Population: 7,078,515
  • Abbreviation: VA
  • Capital: Richmond
  • Local time: GMT -4
  • Nickname: The Old Dominion State

Virginia: geography

The U.S. state of Virginia with its capital Richmond is located on the American east coast. He also bears the nickname “Old Dominion”, which means something like old dominion. During the Civil War, the northwestern parts of the state turned away and became an independent state of West Virginia. The geographic diversity is what makes the state so special.

The coastal region is characterized by the Cheasapeake Bay. This region is one of the most important nature reserves in America. The water surface of the bay is approximately 12,000 square kilometers. The Piedmont belongs to the Appalachian Mountains. The most important river in Virginia is the Potomac. It is 616 kilometers long and originates in West Virginia. Other rivers are the James River with a length of 660 kilometers and the Rappahannock River with a length of 296 kilometers.

The story of Virginia

The first English settlers came to Jamestown in 1607. Since that time, Virginia has had a special place in U.S. history. The 37-kilometer Colonial Parkway leads past the most interesting places of the colonial era.

As everywhere in America, the Indians initially lived here. In 1612 the first tobacco plant was grown and trade flourished with the help of the Indians and the settlers. It didn’t take long for the tobacco shipment to be shipped to England. In 1638 it was three million pounds of tobacco. In addition to the English, there were also German settlers who founded a settlement called Germania in 1714.

Virginia is also home to many presidents. On May 15, 1776, Virginia declared independence. In the same year, on July 4th, Virginia became one of the 13 founding states of the United States. Virginia was on the Confederation side during the Civil War. The slave-free northwest of the state declared separation from the state in 1861 and remained in the Union. West Virginia became the 35th state in 1863 and incorporated into the Union in 1870 with a new constitution.

Another famous story is that of the chief daughter of Pocahontas. According to a report by Captain John Smith, Pocahontas saved him when her father tried to kill him. The Disney Studios filmed this story and made a romance between the Pocahontas and Smith. In truth, this romance is said not to have existed.