Kitwe, Zambia Weather by Month

By | May 19, 2024

Kitwe, situated in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, is known for its humid subtropical climate, characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. As one of the largest cities in Zambia, Kitwe’s climate plays a significant role in the daily lives and economic activities of its residents, particularly in the mining and agriculture sectors. The city’s elevation, approximately 1,220 meters (4,003 feet) above sea level, moderates its temperatures, making the climate relatively comfortable year-round. Kitwe experiences three main seasons: the rainy season (November to April), the cool dry season (May to August), and the hot dry season (September to October). The rainy season brings heavy rains, essential for agriculture but sometimes causing flooding. The dry seasons, on the other hand, offer ample sunshine, facilitating various outdoor activities and mining operations. Check to learn more about Zambia.

The table below provides a summary of the average temperatures, precipitation, and number of sunny days for each month in Kitwe:

Month Average Temperature (°C) Precipitation (mm) Sunny Days
January 19 – 26 230 12
February 19 – 26 210 11
March 18 – 26 160 13
April 17 – 25 60 18
May 14 – 24 5 25
June 11 – 22 1 28
July 10 – 22 0 30
August 12 – 25 0 30
September 16 – 28 1 29
October 19 – 30 15 27
November 19 – 28 100 20
December 19 – 27 220 14


In January, Kitwe experiences the height of its rainy season with average temperatures ranging from 19°C to 26°C. The city receives significant rainfall, averaging 230 mm, leading to lush vegetation. Despite the frequent rains, there are about 12 sunny days. The heavy rains can occasionally cause flooding, affecting transportation and outdoor activities.


  • Inside: Visiting local museums, indoor markets, and cultural centers.
  • Outside: Exploring botanical gardens and enjoying the verdant landscapes between rain showers.


February continues the rainy season with temperatures similar to January, ranging between 19°C and 26°C. Rainfall is slightly lower, at around 210 mm, with approximately 11 sunny days. The city remains green and vibrant, with sporadic heavy rains.


  • Inside: Enjoying local cuisine in indoor restaurants and cafes.
  • Outside: Taking short nature walks and visiting local farms when the weather allows.


In March, the rainy season begins to taper off with average temperatures from 18°C to 26°C. Precipitation decreases to 160 mm, and the city enjoys about 13 sunny days. The landscape remains lush, and the weather starts becoming more predictable.


  • Inside: Attending local art galleries and theater performances.
  • Outside: Exploring national parks and reserves, taking advantage of the reduced rainfall.


April marks the transition from the rainy to the dry season. Temperatures range from 17°C to 25°C, and rainfall drops significantly to 60 mm. There are around 18 sunny days, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities.


  • Inside: Visiting historical sites and cultural exhibitions.
  • Outside: Engaging in hiking and wildlife safaris as the landscape remains green but dry.


In May, the cool dry season sets in with average temperatures between 14°C and 24°C. Precipitation is minimal, around 5 mm, and there are approximately 25 sunny days. The cooler temperatures make it pleasant for various activities.


  • Inside: Exploring Kitwe’s museums and indoor shopping centers.
  • Outside: Participating in outdoor sports, bird watching, and visiting game reserves.


June continues the cool dry season with temperatures ranging from 11°C to 22°C. Rainfall is negligible, with only 1 mm, and the city experiences about 28 sunny days. The dry, mild weather is perfect for outdoor exploration.


  • Inside: Learning about local history in museums.
  • Outside: Enjoying hiking, cycling, and visiting open-air markets.


July is the coolest month in Kitwe, with temperatures between 10°C and 22°C. There is no significant rainfall, and the city enjoys around 30 sunny days. The weather is ideal for all types of outdoor activities.


  • Inside: Attending cultural festivals and indoor concerts.
  • Outside: Engaging in wildlife viewing and exploring natural reserves.


August sees a slight increase in temperatures, ranging from 12°C to 25°C. Rainfall remains absent, and there are about 30 sunny days. The weather is warm and dry, making it a perfect time for travel and exploration.


  • Inside: Visiting indoor markets and local workshops.
  • Outside: Participating in outdoor festivals and exploring national parks.


In September, the temperatures rise further, ranging from 16°C to 28°C. Rainfall is minimal, around 1 mm, and the city enjoys approximately 29 sunny days. The warmer weather signals the approaching hot season.


  • Inside: Enjoying indoor recreational centers and cultural events.
  • Outside: Taking part in water-based activities like visiting waterfalls and rivers.


October is the hottest month in Kitwe, with temperatures ranging from 19°C to 30°C. Precipitation increases slightly to 15 mm, and there are about 27 sunny days. The heat is intense, but the occasional rain provides relief.


  • Inside: Enjoying air-conditioned indoor attractions and shopping.
  • Outside: Visiting swimming pools and water parks to cool off.


November marks the beginning of the rainy season with temperatures between 19°C and 28°C. Rainfall increases to 100 mm, and there are around 20 sunny days. The weather becomes more unpredictable, with frequent showers.


  • Inside: Exploring indoor entertainment options and cultural venues.
  • Outside: Participating in eco-tours and nature walks during dry periods.


In December, the rainy season is in full swing with temperatures ranging from 19°C to 27°C. Precipitation peaks again at 220 mm, and there are about 14 sunny days. The frequent rains create a lush, green environment.


  • Inside: Attending holiday events and indoor festivities.
  • Outside: Exploring botanical gardens and scenic spots between rains.

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